IMO as I say, you need to either close it off properly and take the hit or close it off properly with an IP and pay the fees to do that, you can’t have your cake and eat it I’m afraid Good luck
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Cake decorators are always looking for interesting new things to put on cakes. You could make ones that have little chocolate balls in and when you put it over a fire the marshmallow and the chocolate melt I personally wouldn't buy marshmallows as a snack, as I wouldn't for cupcakes (£2.50 for 1 cupcake I saw the other day!) but I think cake decorators would, along with people giving them for ...
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There is also the car show in the NEC. I have had a few stalls in the NEC, one was just a few weeks ago for the Gay Wedding show (as i also own an ice sculpting company) and the response is incredible. I paid £900 for the 3 metre long stall, but I'm sure it may cost more for the car show as its much more prominent.
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No. That is not an expense incurred solely on behalf of the business. The only time a sole trader could claim tea and cake as a business expense would be if they sold tea and cake.
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Our five steps make planning your dessert destiny a piece of cake. 1. Research Sustaining a sugar high can’t be fuelled on treats alone. If you want to build a lucrative dessert business, background research is key.
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How many wedding dresses are sold on average per week at average sized bridal store?Are we talking 1 dress per week?per month or 3 per week or more? Cookie Consent By clicking “Accept All”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyse site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts
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We are looking at taking on the lease of a small country estate, the primary use will be as a private residence, however we would also like to hold weddings at the venue. The estate has it's own church and a stunning parkland setting so ideal as a self contained wedding venue. The question is would we need to apply for change of use planning?
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Think when the chain of wedding shops (I can't remember the name of) went under recently the number they quoted on radio 5 was around 400,000 weddings per year.
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At the moment I'd start off small and work your way up, I actually have a few clients that run similar businesses (such as wedding cake makers) where we manage their websites/flyers etc. and most of them are very small but successful businesses. Other things to look for are business insurance, any health requirements etc.
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Look to grow your business outside the template of your shop. Local business buffets, parties, wedding catering etc... but above all, as above, plan plan plan - oh - and get the basics right, know your stuff, learn to be a CEO, accountant, buyer, HR manager, repair person, caterer, barista, counsellor, pighead all rolled into one!
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